Our solution

BIOmesh is an early warning system for the risk of mycotoxins and mold in stored food. With BIOmesh, you can rest easy knowing that your grain storage is under the watchful eye of a trusted guardian. 


The platform has been designed to provide users with 24/7 essential information about the storage conditions of grains, feed, flour, bread, and other food items, as well as to alert them to the increasing threat of mycotoxins from mold that are toxic to humans and animals.

The solution not only notifies about hazardous levels of moisture, temperature, or other critical parameters affecting stored products but also provides guidance on how to prevent mold growth. The BIOmesh project is in line with the EU's "Farm to Fork" strategy.

Dla kogo jest BIOmesh?

Pig farmers
Pig farmers
Grain producers and processors
Grain producers and processors
Conscious Allergy-Parents
Conscious Allergy-Parents

Korzyści wynikające z użytkowania BIOmesh

Health care
Health care

Mycotoxins are among the most toxic substances, causing severe and deadly diseases in humans and animals. BIOmesh contributes to enhancing the health safety of humans and animal welfare by implementing an early warning system for the risk of toxic mycotoxin occurrence in food and improving the quality of food in Poland and the EU.

Minimize potential losses in the storage process
Minimize potential losses in the storage process

Mycotoxins from mold are dangerous substances that cause 15-25% grain losses during storage. The unique measurement model of BIOmesh, based on AI/ML technologies, provides users with crucial information about the risk of mold occurrence in stored food and recommends specific remedial actions to prevent product wastage and minimize economic losses.

Increase the competitiveness of entrepreneurs and farmers
Increase the competitiveness of entrepreneurs and farmers

BIOmesh will allow to increase the margin of the raw material (pigs) by ensuring high quality feed, fed to the animals. Monitor feed storage conditions in real time 24h/7 days.

Co zawiera BIOmesh

Mobile application - information always at your fingertips
Mobile application - information always at your fingertips

An intuitive Android/iOS application with the most useful features for monitoring the conditions of stored food along with an early warning system.

Web application - full overview of the quality of stored products
Web application - full overview of the quality of stored products

With an extensive reporting system that allows tracking trends and better planning for future inventory.

IoT device - wireless "smart nose" measurement device
IoT device - wireless "smart nose" measurement device

A unique measurement model utilizing advanced ML/AI analytical technologies. It can be quickly installed in places where food is stored, such as silos, or flat warehouses. It enables monitoring of the conditions of stored products and allows for the identification of a wide range of environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds).


BIOmesh Sp. z o.o.
Stalowowolska Strefa Gospodarcza

NIP: 8652573766
REGON: 386144429
KRS: 0000843173

ul. Eugeniusza Kwiatkowskiego 9
37-450 Stalowa Wola



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Administratorem Danych Osobowych zebranych w związku z funkcjonowaniem Serwisu Internetowego jest w rozumieniu Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 – Usługodawca, spółka BIOmesh Sp. z o.o., która czuwa nad bezpieczeństwem Danych Osobowych Użytkowników. Użytkownicy Serwisu Internetowego mają prawo do wglądu i poprawiania swoich danych osobowych. Jeżeli Użytkownik żąda zmiany swoich Danych Osobowych, zakresu ich przetwarzania, wykreślenia, bądź udostępnienia informacji związanych z ich przetwarzaniem przez Usługodawcę, może to uczynić za pomocą e-maila zawierającego w swej treści żądanie wraz z numerem telefonu, które przesyła na adres: rodo@biomesh.io.